As you've seen so far, the only thing electric in my wine process is the crusher. My entire setup was designed for the use of gravity in almost all aspects of the process. I allow my wine to age six months before I transfer to 3-gal carboys and subsequent bottling. During this time Blessed Mother does the clarifying for me. Solids slowly settle to the bottom of the demijohns and are removed usually twice over the course of winter.
First step is to drain one demijohn to receive the next after being emptied and cleaned. Five carboys are filled and set aside to eventually go back into the last clean demijohn. As you can see my DJs have spouts. That spout has a hose that leads to the raised center bottom of the DJ... kind of like a champagne bottle's interior. Solids settle around the raised area and clarifying or fully clarified wine comes out the valve.Once the demijohn is drained it is taken outside, washed out and then placed to receive contents from the next one. Yes, it is time consuming, but then again, I very much enjoy being in the wine room. :-) Once all the wine has been racked, it's time to place the demijohns back on the shelf. I used to have to wait until I got a helper because 14.25 gallons of wine weigh about 114 lbs. Add a few lbs for the heavy glass demijohn and this is NOT a one person job.
Unless... you had a father like I did, and a father-in-law like I do, who always taught me to think outside the box. Make a jig... make a tool... use something for a purpose it was not made for... :-)
Enter... the Deer Hoist!
Lastly... Yes, I use minute amounts of chemicals and an electric crusher along with my beloved deer hoist, but by and large my process using spontaneous fermentation and gravity is about as old school as can be. It has not failed me yet... since 2005.